📓 Basic Info 基本資料

Innovative Sports Technology and Cultural Development Holdings Limited is a business entity registered in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. Incorporated on 22-06-2016, it is a Private company limited by shares and its company registration number was 2393822.

Since 27-12-2023, The Government of the Hong Kong SAR has been using Business Registration Number (BRN) as unique identifier for business entities in Hong Kong. The 8-digit business registration number for Innovative Sports Technology and Cultural Development Holdings Limited is 66330902.

The registration address of Innovative Sports Technology and Cultural Development Holdings Limited is 新界葵涌大窩口邨富安樓地下104舖, 香港. According to open business data, the registration status of this company is LIVE

創興體育科技及文化發展控股有限公司是一家於中華人民共和國香港特別行政區註冊的私人股份有限公司。 它成立於 22-06-2016,公司註冊號碼是 2393822。

自2023年12月27日起,香港特別行政區政府使用商業登記號碼(BRN)作為香港商業實體的唯一識別碼。創興體育科技及文化發展控股有限公司 的 8 位商業登記號碼是 66330902。

創興體育科技及文化發展控股有限公司的公司註冊地址為 新界葵涌大窩口邨富安樓地下104舖, 香港 。根據公開資料,它的註冊狀況是 仍註冊中

👓 Biz Profile 業務概況

In Q3-2022, Innovative Sports Technology and Cultural Development Holdings Limited declared to engage business in Arts, entertainment and recreation activities (excluding theme parks) with a full-time headcount of 4.

根據2022年第三季資料,創興體育科技及文化發展控股有限公司 從事 Arts, entertainment and recreation activities (excluding theme parks) 相關業務,並擁有4名全職員工。

🖊 Company Name History 公司更名記錄

Name in English中文名稱Expired on
Newly Emerged Sports Association Limited新興運動協會有限公司12-07-2024

🌐 Official Website 官方網址

Representatives from Innovative Sports Technology and Cultural Development Holdings Limited are welcomed to submit your official website URL. We display human-submitted and verified corporate URLs only.

歡迎創興體育科技及文化發展控股有限公司代表提交貴司的官方網站網址。 我們只會顯示人工提交並經過核實的公司網址。

The above profile is compiled with data available from public domains. This is not an official webpage of the aforesaid company.

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